Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Waterlife medications part 2

Hey hey hey ! the more i use this company products, the more impressed i am. They are really the tops compare to those $10-$15 bottle that hardly gives me the wow effect. I mean waterlife products,you see effects in a few hours and almost clear up in a day but of course you should follow to kill off what you can't see.

As you know i already have the Protozin (white spot), Sterazin(gill flukes, internal para). i am adding the Myaxzin (fin rot) $45 to my standby. Of course the most impressive of all is the Parazin ( fish lice, anchorworms). i had a case of fish lice and lost 2 fish bought at $700 each. however managed to save the other 4 when i went to get help at nippon koi farm. A $5 self made dimilin powder did the trick but the powerful medication burned one of the koi mouth which he recovered in 3 weeks.

As per reviewed, Parazin a new formula in tablets form.....takes only ONE DOSE to rid Fish lice and anchorworms. even those lice that is already attached on the fish. All the colour dye medication no matter how powerful, only kill the free swimming fish lice. those attached you need to use a tweezers to take it off or the dangerous dimilin or worse coppersafe. parasite and fish all perish.

Parazin cost $29/bottle of 20 tablets good for 450L. i am ordering the 100 tablets from the LFS. those of you who had deal with fish lice before will know why i want this medication for standby eh.

On side note, i got the Vitazin out of curiosity and administered my first dose today and will see how the fish react. Vitazin is not a medication but a vitamin supplement. $19 each

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