So i decided to make use of the small space vacated by my reef tank and do a proper Aquascape. Last time i did planted tank was exactly 10 years ago.
The concept is Iwagumi with overgrown dense stem plants in the background. Of course, red plants to indicate this is an high tech tank. i mean who does low tech in ADA tanks?? considering how expensive ADA tanks are.
Below are the breakdown in cost and equipment for fellow hobbyist reference.
1. ADA Cube Garden 60H ver2- $460
2. Ehiem Classic 250 - $150
3. Media for Eheim - $100
(Eheim Mech 1.5kg, Eheim Substrat pro 1.5kg, Bio Homme ultimate 1.5kg, Seachem Purigen 100g)
4. IP65 custom cabinet - $360
5. ADA Garden Mat- $75
6. ANS Pro stainless steel inlet/outlet -$60
7. Dymax 40cm Stainless steel CO2 diffuser - $40
8. ANS CO2 dual regulator, Soleniod, bubble counter with 3kg tank -$250
9. Google Home smart extension power socket - $35
10. Ehiem hoses and 3x Double tap- $97
11. Arctica 1/5 Hp Titanium chiller (i keep 25 deg)- $1400
12. ADA Amazonia 2 aquasoil, powder soil, Tropica root tabs - $98
13. ADA Drop Checker -$105
14. Twinstar 60cm RGB light - $367
15. Tropica 1-2 Grow lab plants (various)- $120
16. ANS pro tools - $180
(scissors, S-Scissors, Pincer, Curved pincer, Long pincer, Flat shovel, Spring Scissors)
17. Tropica Premium and Specialised fertiliser -$80
(i dose one pump a day for each- last 3 months)
18. Effort- Priceless
Total: $3977 (i see it but i dont believe it, almost comparable with reef tank spending...its plants while the other are fantastic corals..... inflation is truly here.)
So this is immediately after day 1 of scape. Fully grown expected in 3 months.